The prices shown are the lowest prices available for Zekrom the last time we updated. Update 27-09-2021: On September 20, the official Pokemon TCG Twitter mentioned this product will be an GameStop store exclusive. Zekrom (Pokemon Brilliant Stars) Details More Photos of Pokemon Brilliant Stars: Zekrom TG05 Zekrom prices (Pokemon Brilliant Stars) are updated daily for each source listed above. It was listed for $69.99 CAD but is now out of stock on their website. Discover videos related to pokemon zekrom gold card on TikTok. French packaging in Canada are just English cards inside we have been told, so not a 'real' French TCG version. GameStop Canada are limiting customers to only get 1 product per customer. There is also a version with ' French Packaging' coming. It's going to be a GameStop Canada exclusive. Update 06-09-2021: GameStop Canada has also listed this product. In Japan, 7 Gold Tag Team GX cards released in that set, one of those is a Gold Reshiram & Charizard GX Card. This Premium Collection will contain aside from 10 booster packs, a promo + oversized promo of the Gold Pikachu & Zekrom GX card which originally released in Japan nearly 2 years ago in SM12a Tag All Stars. This product is labled as an EB Games store exclusive. This product costs $120 AUD (which is converted $87,78 USD) and apparently releases in November 2021 (placeholder date).

PSA 10 Pikachu And Zekrom GX Gold Card 2019 Pokemon S&M Tag Team All Stars 221 157.50. Sold comparables range in price from a low of 2.00 to a high of 168.50. EB Games Australia listed a Tag Team Pikachu & Zekrom GX Premium Collection Revealed, Gold Pikachu & Zekrom GX From Tag All Stars on their website. The average value of pikachu and zekrom gx pokemon card is 12.33. Pokemon Card - Zekrom (Full Art) - Legendary Treasures 115/113 Gold Secret Rare eBay 79.99: Report It: : 2013 MINT Zekrom Gold Secret Rare Pokemon Card 115/113 Legendary Treasures eBay 92.